Printed Diploma
Candidates for graduation must apply to graduate using the graduation application available in Athena by the application deadline each semester. Students in graduate programs should consult the Graduate School for specific deadlines. In the graduation application, the candidate will be asked to confirm how he or she would like his or her name printed on the diploma(s) and to which address the diploma(s) should be mailed. If a student needs to officially change his or her legal name with UGA, a Name Change Form (PDF) needs to be submitted to the Office of the Registrar along with the required documentation.
It is the student’s responsibility to apply for graduation and to ensure that the correct address is on file with the Office of the Registrar.
Diplomas are typically mailed approximately 8-10 weeks or so after the official graduation date. Please note that diplomas will be shipped via the United States Postal Service and should arrive at the provided address within 4-6 weeks of mailing as long as it is being delivered within the U.S. Please allow up to ten weeks for international shipments.
The University of Georgia only issues one size diploma regardless of school/college, degree, or major of the student. The size is 12 inches by 15 inches, and the information printed on the diploma is summarized below:
- Undergraduates with one major:
- Degree, major, University honors, and graduation date will be reflected on the diploma.
- Undergraduates with multiple majors:
- If requirements for multiple majors attached to the same degree in a school/college are completed simultaneously, one diploma reflecting the degree, multiple majors, University honors, and graduation date will be issued.
- If requirements for multiple majors attached to the same degree in separate schools/colleges are completed simultaneously, multiple diplomas reflecting the degree, multiple majors, University honors, and graduate date will be issued.
- If requirements for multiple majors are completed during different semesters, a diploma for each major will be issued. The individual diplomas will reflect the degree, major, University honors, and the graduation date corresponding to the major.
- Graduate Students:
- Only degree and graduation date will be reflected on the diploma.
- If requirements for multiple degrees are completed within the same term, a diploma for each degree will be issued.
Please note: Students who have an outstanding debt with the University will not receive their diplomas until the debt has been satisfied. Contacting the Office of the Registrar once this has been done will result in diplomas being mailed. Diplomas are held for one year after which a replacement diploma must be ordered.