Centralized Classroom and Event Scheduling
Prioritization of Scheduling
Scheduling priority will be in the following rank order:
Priority 1) Credit-bearing courses, their tests, and required class meetings
Priority 2) Recurring academic events (faculty-intensive or faculty-led)
Priority 3) Non-recurring academic or non-academic events for faculty
Priority 4) Recurring and non-recurring events for student organizations
Priority 5) Events extensively for the benefit of non-UGA affiliated entities
For additional information regarding the Centralized Classroom and Event Scheduling policy, please visit the Provost's Office website.
To request a classroom for a course-related event, please log in to 25Live and complete the Event Form at the top right of the screen.
To request a space for a non-course related event, please visit the Campus Reservations, Events & Technical Services (CRETS) website.
- Summer 2020 (PDF)
- Spring 2020 (PDF)
- Fall 2019 (PDF)
- Summer 2019 (PDF)
- Spring 2019 (PDF)
- Fall 2018 (PDF)
- Summer 2018 (PDF)
- Spring 2018 (PDF)
- Fall 2017 (PDF)
- Summer 2017 (PDF)
- Spring 2017 (PDF)
- Fall 2016 (PDF)
Instructional Space for Courses
Effective Fall 2016, the Office of the Registrar schedules instructional space for courses.
During the exclusivity period, all courses should be added to Banner. There are three options for entering meeting location information on each course:
- Load the building and room field for only your department’s pre-designated space
- Load “NCRR” into both the building and room fields if a classroom is not needed for the course
- Leave the building and room fields blank if the course needs a classroom. Any course loaded without a building and room number in Banner will be assumed to need a general classroom, and one will be assigned during mass scheduling (Loading a building number and no room number will not secure a room in the loaded building)
The central scheduling period noted on the timeline for each term is a two week period during which courses loaded with no room information will be assigned a room using the 25Live scheduling software. During this time, course editing in Banner is unavailable. Approximately two weeks before the central scheduling period begins, a reminder email will be sent to course schedulers that will include instructions on how to indicate any specific location or room feature preferences. Please note that the Registrar’s Office cannot guarantee that all preferences will be possible to accommodate.
Room assignments will be made based on course information loaded into Banner. It is important that all courses:
- Have accurate day, time, and maximum enrollment data
- Are correctly cross-listed (if the courses meet together) with a max enrollment for the combined sections
- Have an instructor, if known
If users request a room during the central scheduling period, they should not load a room in their pre-designated space. Doing so will prevent any other room from being assigned.
25Live uses a complex algorithm of factors to schedule rooms. All courses are considered equally and concurrently. The factors involved in choosing a room are:
- Instructor teaching back-to-back classes (it will schedule them in the same building if possible)
- Maximum enrollment for class compared with number of seats in classroom
- Proximity to the department’s building
- Specific location or room feature preferences provided on the preference form
It is possible that all rooms during prime teaching times will fill up, resulting in some courses not receiving a room during the central scheduling period. In this case, the department can propose other time options, and the Office of the Registrar will try to find rooms available during the proposed times.
Any other changes regarding classrooms or course additions needing room assignments can be requested via email to classrooms@uga.edu. Prior to the request, the course must have already been added to Banner with the meeting day(s) and time(s). Please include the following information in the email:
- Term
- CRN of the course
- The number of seats being offered
- Any location or room feature preferences
Instructional Space for Course Related Events
Effective January 4, 2016, the Office of the Registrar schedules instructional space for course related events after the event exclusivity period defined in the Policy for Centralized Classroom and Event Scheduling. Course related events are any events related to a CRN in Banner but are not part of the scheduled course meeting date/time.
To request a classroom for a course related event, please log in to 25Live and complete the Event Form at the top right of the screen.
25Live is the web application utilized by the University of Georgia for building and room scheduling and is used to schedule both classes and events. 25Live can be accessed at https://25live.collegenet.com/pro/uga.
The Office of the Registrar will respond to requests within two-three business days.
If users wish to schedule a departmental event not related to a specific course or an event sponsored by a student organization, they should contact Campus Reservations, Events and Technical Services.
For 25Live training materials and additional information about centralized classroom scheduling, please review the following:
Centralized Classroom Scheduling Training PowerPoint
Centralized Classroom and Event Scheduling Policy
Centralized Classroom and Event Scheduling FAQs