Updates to Double Dawgs Pathways

Approved Double Dawgs pathway information should be reviewed annually to ensure the information for the pathways and the sample five-year programs of study remains accurate. The Double Dawgs Five-Year programs of study will appear in the UGA Bulletin and be made available for students and advisors to use in DegreeWorks.

Instructions for Submitting Updates to Double Dawgs Pathways and Five-Year Plan Requirements:

  1. Open the Instructions for Submitting Updates to Double Dawgs Five-Year Sample Programs of Study.
  2. Review and update (as needed) the Double Dawgs program information and Sample Five-Year Program of Study.
  3. Obtain department head and associate dean/dean approval of any changes. This approval can be provided in the form of a letter, signed five-year plan, or email.
  4. Email updates and any approvals to doubledawgs@uga.edu.

For questions, please email  doubledawgs@uga.edu.