Student Curriculum Changes

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students can change or add majors, minors, and areas of emphasis using the “My Programs” option in Athena.  If undergraduate students encounter an error when changing or adding a major, minor, or areas of emphasis, they can contact for assistance.

Academic advisors also have the option to change undergraduate students’ majors, minors, areas of emphasis, and bulletin terms by submitting the Curriculum Change Request Form and sending the completed form to

Graduate/Professional Students

Curriculum changes for graduate or professional students can be submitted to using the completed Curriculum Change Request Form. These forms must be submitted by an authorized user from either the Graduate School or the appropriate professional school (Law, Pharmacy, or Veterinary Medicine).  

Graduating Students

Once a student has applied for graduation, the curriculum should be changed by submitting a Curriculum Change Request Form.  Please denote the information in the Graduation Application section.