FY 2026 Course/Lab Materials Funding Submission Process

Instructions for Fall 2025, Spring 2026, and Summer 2026 (FY 2026)


Retain Approved Course/Lab Funding for Existing Course(s)

No further action is required.


Request to Decrease or Remove Course/Lab Funding for Existing Course(s)

To request a decrease or remove existing course/lab materials funding for a class:

  1. Complete the Form to Request to Decrease or Remove Course/Lab Funding for Existing Course
    • Form must have approval of the department head and dean
  2. Submit completed form to Curriculum Systems in the Office of the Registrar at capa@uga.edu by Monday, June 2, 2025.


Request Course/Lab Funding for Newly Approved Course(s)

To request course/lab materials funding for new courses approved effective fall 2024 or later:

  1. Review Academic Affairs Policy 4.07-14 Lab/Supply Materials Funding
    • Includes the policy, costs that are eligible and not eligible for funding, and the process.
  2. Complete the Form to Request for New Course/Lab Funding for each course

For each request, the following information will be required:

    • Course ID
    • Campus(es) on which the course will be taught
    • Detailed justification of why funding is needed for the requested course
    • Item(s), and their anticipated costs, for which funding is being requested
    • Expected enrollment
    • Department head and dean approval signatures
  1. Submit completed form to Curriculum Systems in the Office of the Registrar at capa@uga.edu by  Monday, June 2, 2025.


As a reminder, all course/lab funds are now provided from a central source, not student fee payments. Enrollment in approved courses will be determined the day after the last day of drop/add for a given semester. The amount provided to the unit will be based on enrollment in all course sections (enrollment multiplied by the approved lab/supply funding amount). These funds will be distributed by the University Budget Office directly to the unit based on the chartstring provided.  For more information, please visit https://reg.uga.edu/faculty-and-staff/course-supplies-funding/policy/.


If you have any questions about the course/lab materials funding process for FY 2026, please contact the Office of the Registrar at capa@uga.edu or 706-542-6358.