Effective this date and until rescinded, programs of academic work shall not be added
to the curriculum of the University of Georgia unless recommended by the University
Curriculum Committee in accordance with the Bylaws of the University Council, submitted
by the President of the University of Georgia to the Chancellor, and approved by the
Board of Regents of the University System. Policy and implementing guidance outlined
herein are applicable to all Academic Degree Programs involving 30 hours or more of
course work in a field of study. The policy statement may be reproduced for local
use. Minor programs (less than 30 hours of course work) and non-degree certificate
programs shall be subject to separate policy statements and implementing guidelines.
No provisions stated herein are intended to conflict with the Bylaws or the Academic
Affairs Handbook.
A formal proposal is required when academic units contemplate adding a new degree
or major program to the curricula of the institution. The formal proposal should include
the following:
Academic Framework
Mission Fit and Disciplinary Trends
Description and Objectives
Admission Criteria
Program of Study
Waiver to Degree-Credit Hour Length (if applicable)
Student Learning Outcomes
Recruitment and Marketing Plan
Enrollment Projections
Fiscal, Tuition, and Estimated Budget
Facilities/Space Utilization
Tuition Differential Application (if applicable)
Letters of Support
Board of Regents' policy states that a baccalaureate degree must contain 120 semester
hours (exclusive of physical education activity/basic health or orientation course
hours that the institution may require). A baccalaureate degree program must require
at least 21 semester hours of upper-division courses in the major field and at least
39 semester hours of upper-division work overall. All majors must be authorized by
the Board of Regents. Master’s degrees are established at a maximum of 36 semester
hours. Generally, master’s degrees at the university require between 30 and 36 hours.
In some cases, exceptions may be made regarding the total number of hours required
for a new program. Requests for an exception to offer a program with fewer than 30
hours or more than 36 hours will follow the same approval process as the new major proposal,
and justification should be provided as part of the proposal.
Any changes above the 120 degree-credit hour maximum for baccalaureate degree programs
or the 36 degree-credit hour maximum for master’s degrees must be presented in the
form of a request for waiver to degree-credit hour length through the Senior Vice
President for Academic Affairs and Provost with a rationale for such changes. The
rationale shall include references to external accrediting body requirements that
exacerbate the need and requirement to increase credit hours in a program. Exceptions
to degree-credit hour requirements indicated above may be made only with approval
of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer of the University System
of Georgia.
Faculty The responsibility for developing a new degree or major program resides with the faculty
in each academic unit; however, only academic programs which promise to contribute
to or otherwise enhance the mission of the University of Georgia should be considered
for development.
Administrative It shall be the responsibility of each school or college to ensure that all proposals
receive appropriate faculty review prior to submission to the next higher administrative
level. Both the head of the academic unit and the appropriate dean of the school or
college submitting a proposal must review all proposals before they are submitted
to the next higher administrative level. The Office of Instruction shall be responsible
for reviewing proposals and providing any needed internal and external coordination
of procedures. This shall include making appropriate recommendations to the Senior
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and the President of the University
on program proposals that are transmitted to the Board of Regents for action. The
Office of Instruction shall keep unit (library, institute, department, school, or
college) heads informed of the current status of proposals as they move through the
review stages required by governance procedures.
Points of Contact Academic units contemplating the development of new undergraduate degree or major
programs should consult with the Office of Instruction. For new graduate degree or
major programs, academic units should consult with the Dean of the Graduate School.
Procedure The Board of Regents requires the submission of a formal proposal in support of a
new degree or major program. The proposal should be consistent with the University
mission and follow the format provided on the forms attached to this policy.
Proposals for new majors should be routed through the following approval sequence:
Faculty of the academic unit proposing degree or major program
Department Head or Director of academic unit proposing degree or major program
Dean or Vice President of academic unit proposing degree or major program
Graduate School Program Committee, if the major or degree program contains graduate
Graduate Council, if the major or degree program contains graduate courses
Dean of the Graduate School, if the major or degree program contains graduate courses
Office of Instruction (for review)
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
University Curriculum Committee
Executive Committee of the University Council
University Council
Board of Regents
Substantive Change Review: The Office of Accreditation and Institutional Effectiveness
will evaluate the new major for substantive change as it moves through the approval
sequence. If it is determined that the new major is a substantive change as defined
by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC),
additional approval will be required.
System Review
The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will, as deemed appropriate,
seek the advice of outside consultants in evaluating a program proposal.
As part of the review process for formal proposals, the Office of the Executive ViceChancellor for Academic Affairs will disseminate to all University System ofGeorgia institutions, on a regular basis, a list of program proposals underconsideration, and will invite interested parties to request a copy of the proposal
forreview and comment. Information received through this process will be consideredin evaluating the proposals.
Once approved, all programs will undergo a system review during the seventh year ofoperation. This review is designed to evaluate how well the program is meeting theexpectations that were laid out in the formal proposal.