PARC (Process for Approval of Revised Curriculum)
PARC is a new system that streamlines the existing curriculum review process by combining the review, editing, and approval processes into one online workflow, culminating with the publishing of program requirements in the UGA Bulletin and DegreeWorks.
Benefits of PARC
- Combines the curriculum review, editing, and approval processes into one online, role-based
- Improves transparency of the approval process by providing a real-time status of proposals in a Browse view
Goals of PARC:
- Ensures that undergraduate, graduate, and professional program requirements are consistent, compliant with policy, and are meaningful, relevant, and transparent to students and advisors
- Eliminates hidden prerequisites by including the prerequisites in the program requirements
- Eliminates unused or obsolete courses in programs of study
- Includes courses that support the program learning outcomes and are relevant, meaningful, and transparent
- Reduces program requirement exceptions and substitutions
- Includes all undergraduate, graduate, and professional program requirements in DegreeWorks and in the UGA Bulletin