Schedule of Classes
The Schedule of Classes is available on this page in PDF form. The Schedule of Classes for current and future terms can be accessed by clicking on the appropriate link below. For the Schedule of Classes for past terms, see the historical record of Schedule of Classes link. Acrobat Reader is required to view this version of the Schedule of Classes and can be downloaded from the Adobe Website.
Please Note: Course offerings are subject to change due to budgetary restrictions or other contingencies. No class or section will be continued or offered if the enrollment does not meet minimum University requirements at the end of the registration period. A minimum enrollment of ten students in undergraduate sections and five students in graduate sections is required unless prior written authorization has been received from the Office of Instruction.
For information regarding important dates for each semester (registration dates, final exam dates, payment deadlines, and the Academic Calendar), please see Calendars.
Searchable Schedule of Classes in Athena
Please visit Athena to access a searchable schedule of classes.
SUBJECT, COURSE NO, TITLE, and DEPARTMENT appear in the gray band.
SUBJECT: The course identifier consisting of a four-letter code for the discipline of the
course. The Subject and Course Number make up the identifier for a course.
COURSE NO: A four-digit designation for the course. A single letter suffix follows some courses.
"L" after the four-digit course number designates a lab.
"H" after the four-digit course number designates an honors course.
"W" after the four-digit course number designates a writing intensive course.
"S" after the four-digit course number designates a service learning course.
TITLE: Title of the course listed under SUBJECT and COURSE NO. Often abbreviated; see the current UGA Bulletin for full title and course description.
DEPARTMENT: Lists the department to which the course belongs.
CRN (Course Reference Number): The five-digit designation for a specific section of a course being offered. This
is the number you may use to register directly for the course section in Athena.
Please note: If there is no CRN at the beginning of a particular row, the CRN is listed
on the row above it. This would indicate multiple rooms and/or days and times for
the course section. CRN 84955 shown in the picture above is an example of multiple
times and days.
SEC (Section): This is an optional field used by departments to uniquely identify individual sections
of the same course.
STAT (STATUS): Indicates the registration status of the class.
A = Active (available for registration)
I = Inactive (not being offered this semester)
C = Cancelled
I and C status courses are not open for registration even if they are not crossed out.
CREDIT HRS (Hours): The number of credit hours awarded for the course. The range of numbers indicated
the minimum and maximum credits available. When the minimum and maximum numbers are
different, this indicates that the course is offered for variable credit hours. Students
should check with the instructor and their advisor for the number of hours for which
to register.
DAYS: U= Sunday, M=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F= Friday, S=Saturday
TIME: Listed are both the start and end times for the course. All times are listed by the
24 hour clock.
BLDG (Building)/ROOM: A four-digit code for the building in which the class meets, plus a four or five
alpha/digit code for the classroom in that building. For example, 0250 0113 means
room 113 in building 0250 (Joseph E. Brown Hall), located as shown on the Campus Map.
CAMPUS: This listing specifies on which UGA campus the class is being held. Online indicates
that the section meets online while Athens indicates the course meets on the Athens
INSTRUCTOR: The last name of the primary faculty member teaching the course. A blank usually
indicates that a specific instructor has yet to be designated.
PART OF TERM: A set of dates within the larger semester. To view a list of all the parts of term
and dates for each please visit Parts of Term.
CLS SIZE (Class Size): Number of seats scheduled to be offered in the course section.
SEATS AVL (Seats Available): The number of seats still available for registration in the course section.
1 = Thru
E = Extended
M = May
S1 = Short Session I
S2 = Short Session II